All TestGroup publications are available through PORTO, the Open Repository of publications produced by the scientific community of Politecnico di Torino.
Funded project
We are involved in several national and international collaborative research projects co-funded by the European Commission or by national research fundings.
We actively collaborate with international academic and industrial partners. Learn more about companies and research institutions collaborating with us.
Tools and downloads
As computer scientists we are highly committed to Open Source. Most of our developed code is released under Open Source licenses and is available on this website for free download.
TestGroup is one of the leading European research and development teams in the field of System Design, Testing and Reliability.
Our vision
Researching into new challenging problems to deliver breakthrough solutions for testing, reliability and security of next generation electronic systems.
Our mission
Understand the needs and requirements of future technologies.
Deliver superior technical capabilities.
Demonstrate increasing value.
Build reliable systems with reduced overhead.
Innovative solutions for hardware security.
Hardware reconfigurable systems for high-performance and safety critical systems.
Test solutions to deliver high-quality digital systems, with focus on memory technologies.