Probabilistic estimation of the application-level impact of precision scaling in approximate computing applications @ Microelectronics Reliability Journal

Good news for our research group !!!!

The article “Probabilistic estimation of the application-level impact of precision scaling in approximate computing applications” has been published on the Microelectronics Reliability Journal and is now available online”.

Invited talk @ 25th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design

Today at 5:15PM I’m going to give an invited talk at the 25th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design in Kazan in Rhodes (Greece).

The topic of the talk will be “Bayesian Models For Early Cross-Layer Reliability Analysis and Design Space Exploration” and will be part of Session 5S “Cost-Effective Resilience: Advanced Cross-Layer Analysis and Optimization Techniques” organized by Prof. M. Shafique (TU Wien).

SyRA Early System Reliability Analysis for Cross-layer Soft Errors Resilience in Memory Arrays of Microprocessor Systems @ IEEE Transactions on Computer

After more than 1 year from its end, the FP7 Clereco project ( still produces results in the field of cross-layer reliability analysis.

This paper that has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of IEEE Transactions on Computers proposes a framework for Early System Reliability Analysis for Cross-layer Soft Errors Resilience in Memory Arrays of Microprocessor Systems.