Paper on cross-layer multi-objective design space exploration accepted @ IEEE Transactions on Computer

We received today an very good news. After more than 1 year from its end, the FP7 Clereco project ( still produces results in the field of cross-layer reliability analysis.

A paper has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of IEEE Transactions on Computers proposing a cross-layer multi-objective design space exploration algorithm developed to help designers when building soft error resilient electronic systems.

CPUs fault injection study @ DSN, 2017

Sakis Chatzidimitriou Ph.D. student at University of Athens under Prof. Dimitris Gizopoulos presented yesterday the CPUs fault injection study (on ARM Cortex-A9 CPU) between microarchitecture-level and RT-level result of a collaboration between University of Athens, Politecnico di Torino and Intel/Yogitech in CLERECO FP7 project.